Love & Language Podcast

Love & Language Podcast

Now available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

The Love and Language Podcast is an educational and heartwarming podcast that empowers & inspires hearing parents of d/Deaf children who utilize cochlear implants and other hearing devices and all forms of communication and language.

Oh, hey!

We are so glad you're here.

We are Christy and Beth, and this is the podcast we wish we'd had when we learned our own children were deaf. The beginning (heck, even the middle) of this journey is stressful, confusing and overwhelming. But it can also be pretty darn beautiful. So, we're making it our mission to give you access to information, resources, professionals, other parents and more. 

L&L Site

"As long as you are giving your child love and language, you’re doing a GREAT job."

-Christy Keane




S1E9: Q&A with Beth Leipholtz

Welcome to this solo episode of the Love and Language Podcast. This week, Christy is out, leaving Beth...
View Episode about S1E9: Q&A with Beth Leipholtz

S1E8: Brain Plasticity

In this solo episode, Christy delves into the concept of brain plasticity and its significant relationship with language...
View Episode about S1E8: Brain Plasticity

S1E7: Audiology Appointments, Kindergarten IEPs & Equipment Issues, Oh My!

Beth discusses her son Coop's first appointment in eight months, highlighting the significance of regular check-ins and mapping...
View Episode about S1E7: Audiology Appointments, Kindergarten IEPs & Equipment Issues, Oh My!

"Amazing resource for parents!"

"As a professional, I love every bit of this and know this is an invaluable tool to parents no matter where they are in their child's hearing journey. I also know that listening to parents' stories makes me a better audiologist. I will definitely be recommending this podcast as a resource to any parent at the start of their child's hearing journey!"
-Kelsey K

"I can tell you one thing you will never regret: giving your child access to too many options when it comes to communication and language."

-Beth Leipholtz


Your Hosts


Christy Keane

Christy is a Virginia Beach-based military wife & mom of 3 whose middle child, Charly, was born with profound hearing loss in 2017. A veteran & RN, Christy now works full time as a content creator and is passionate about inspiring hearing parents of Deaf children.


Beth Leipholtz

Beth is a Minnesotan mama to a little boy with profound hearing loss. Outside of writing, she is a full-time web designer and photographer with a passion for CrossFit and small-town living.

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